Mx C and Esa

Mx C er en av skaperne av Center for Radical Sexuality (CRS) i Stockholm. CRS er et sted for queers og transpersoner å utforske seksualitet, kink og tantra. De holder ofte workshops der fokuset er på praksis i stedet for teori. Både i CRS og Wish Stockholm og i andre queer-sammenhenger. Hun elsker å skape en seksuell atmosfære og å ha deltakere som forlater workshopene sine høye på det de nettopp opplevde.

Esa er en switch, men heller mot Top, kjønnskeiv, «lær Daddy» som stadig oppdager nye fremgangsmåter. Isander liker å lage tryggerammer for kinkstere til å dele erfaring, tanker og heite ideer. Å kunne sette ord på opplevelser er viktig for oss for å kunne gi entusiastisk samtykke og utforske våre mørkeste fantasier.

Isander har vært en del av BDSM scenen for kvinner og transpersoner i over et tiår og har tidligere presentert workshoper hos blandt andre Wish Stockholm, Wish Oslo, Smil København og CRS.

Mx C is one of the creators of the Center for Radical sexuality in Stockholm. CRS is a place for queers and transgender people to explore sexuality, kink and tantra. They ofte holds workshop where the focus is in practice rather than theory within CRS and Wish Stockholm and in other queer contexts. They love to have participants leave their workshop high on what they just experienced.

Esa is a topleaning switch and genderqueer leather Daddy, who constantly is in discovery of new practices. Isander enjoy creating safe spaces for kinksters to share experiences, thoughts and hot ideas.  Being able to put language to experiences is crucial for us to be able to give enthusiastic consent and to explore our deepest deisres.


Esa has been a part of the BDSM-scenen for women and trans people for a little over a decade and has previously presented workshops at WIsh Stockholm, Wish Oslo, Smil Copenhagen and CRS among other places.


- Partial power exchange 
24/7 is often equated to TPE (total power exchange). But not everyone who wants a 24/7  D/s relationship want to or are able to do it TPE-style. For many, a partial power exchange (PPE), where the D/s is limited to certain areas of life, to certain time frames or isboundaried in other ways  is the best model of D/s relationship. In this workshop we explore ways to do 24/7 in ways that are organic and sustainable. Those who want to could even leave the workshop with a rough draft for a PPE- contract!

- Blindfolded touch (endast för kvinnor och transpersoner)

Blindfoldet berøring (kun for kvinner og transpersoner)

Vi tar på bind for øynene og berører hverandre. Vi øver oss på å vite hvor grensene våre går, hvordan vi gir entusiastisk samtykke og hvordan vi kan kommunisere med kroppene våre. Vi spiller både to og to og i større grupper.


Blindfolded touch (for women and transgender only)

We put on blindfolds and touch each other. We practice knowing where our boundaries go, how we give enthusiastic consent, and how we can communicate with our bodies. We play both two and two and in larger groups.

- Skam och förnedring
Who hasn’t experienced embarrassment, only to imagine being judged by an invisible audience? Feeling shame is feeling exposed, unworthy and small. For some, even submissive, for others, ragingly defiant. Often, one would rather hide or fight back to get once dignity back. Humiliation are caused by acts that take dignity away from you - which  can often lead to shame when it’s not being carried with quiet resistance. Experiencing humiliation and shame in everyday life is usually negative - and very powerful. BDSM can be the magic of turning these negative feelings into pleasure - which in turn can provide an armour for us when we face our everyday life. Maybe that invisible audience isn’t so threatening once you faced the worst with someone who ultimately respects you? In this workshop we will talk about the driving force behind playing with shame and humiliation, and different ways to do it. We cover some of the potential minefields one has to cross, and how shame play can be negotiated. There will also be a demo scene, an example of how these feelings can be used for pleasure.

Vem har inte upplevt något pinsamt, för att strax känna sig dömd av en osynlig “publik”? Att känna skam är att känna sig utsatt, ovärdig och liten, kanske till och med undergiven - eller rasande och motsträvig. Skam och förnedring är känslor som i vardagssituationer allra oftast är negativa och enormt kraftfulla. BDSM kan vara magin att vända negativa känslor till njutning. I denna workshop pratar vi om olika drivkrafter och sätt att leka med skam och förnedring, vilka fallgropar som finns och hur en förhandling kan se ut. Ni kommer också att få uppleva en demoscen, ett exempel på hur dessa känslor kan användas för njutning.